What is EasyMech?
EasyMech is a brand of Robu.in which intends to make the life of users easy; by providing easy to use mechanical products.
What is EasyMech ?
Today while making a project, Controllers like Arduino and their sensors have made life easy for us on the electronics side. They are really easy to use and easily available. But when it comes to mechanical products, it’s not the same.
One of the big problems for users in the areas of hobby, education, Engineering and research is unavailability of good mechanical components for making a project. They are really hard to find and even harder to manufacture because of the need for machinery.
EasyMech is a brand of Robu.in which intends to make the life of users easy; by providing easy to use mechanical products.
This series will include thoughtfully designed mechanical products like brackets, couplings, chassis, Wheels, arms and grippers and many more.
If you find any mechanical product which should be part of this mission to make things easy, just let us know at info@robu.in and we will make it for you.
good job technical team
Good Work Team,
Dear Robu Team
You guy’s hit the right cord!! it was much awaited thing , eagerly waiting to see more stuff on it.
All the Best