BIGTREETECH SKR Pro BIGTREETECH SKR V1 .4 motherboard is a 32 bit 3D printer motherboard optimized and upgraded by the 3D printing team of Shenzhen Big Tree Technology CO., LTD for the deficiencies of V1.3 version, especially suitable for small and medium sized printers. The main control uses the ARM-level Cortex-M4 series with a 32-bit dominant frequency of 168 MHz STM32F407ZGT6 chip, performance is greatly improved. BIGTREETECH SKR PRO V1.2 32 Bit Control Board equipped with highly modular open source firmware Marlin2.0, it is convenient for users to DIY and further-development, to avoid the worry of not being able to master the core code.
Note: Display screen & motor driver are not included with the product. You need to buy them separately.
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- Supports various motor drivers and display screens
- Modular open source firmware Marlin2.0 for DIY and further-development
- Reserve extended ports for more functions
- Supports power-off continuous printing and material cut detection
- Van support dual Z-axis printers
- 32-bit Cortex-M4 series chip for better performance
Package Includes:
1 x BIGTREETECH SKR PRO V1.2 32 Bit Control Board
1 x USB cable
1 x Power cable
1 x Black jumper set
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