Unique Project: An Arduino Heartbeat visualizer
Different components utilized in the venture includes a MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter SpO2 and Heart-Rate Sensor Module.
An extraordinary project has been made by Instructables member Sharathnaik, who has utilized a little Arduino Nano programming and 3D printed parts to make a one of a kind heartbeat and visualiser. Different components utilized in the venture includes a MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter SpO2 and Heart-Rate Sensor Module.
“We have all either felt or heard our heart beating but not many of us have seen it. This was the thought that made me start with this project. A simple way to visually see your heartbeat using a Heart sensor and also teaching you basics about electronics and robotics along with being fun to use and appealing to look at.”
“The MAX30100 is an integrated pulse oximetry and heart rate monitor sensor solution. It combines two LEDs, a photodetector, optimized optics, and low-noise analog signal processing to detect pulse oximetry and heart-rate signals. The MAX30100 breakout operates from 1.8V and 5.5V power supplies and can be powered down through software with negligible standby current, permitting the power supply to remain connected at all times.”
The electronics components used for building this project are:
• Arduino Nano
• Servo SG90
• MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter SpO2 and Heart-Rate Sensor Module
• 4.7kohm resistors (x 3)
• Micro USB Female jack (power input)
• Perfboard
• Male and female pin header connectors
Sharathnaik has provided the detailed step by step methods of how he made this Arduino Heartbeat visualizer on his Instructables project page. Jump over to the page to learn more about this project. Maybe you can build your own too.
Source: Instructables